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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Twitter Experiment

So I've decided to give Twitter a shot. You might have caught one of my previous rants about how much I dislike Twitter's interface and how hostile it is to users, but in all fairness I haven't used it since like 2006. I figure one more attempt won't hurt any.

Part of the reason I'm doing this is because of how I use my FB anyways. I'm not much into pictures, picture comments, and the likes. For the most part I just post interesting and random shit I find throughout the day. If there's anything I feel like exploring, I go into a bit more detail with the Well Intentioned Extremists. So I was basically using my FB for what Twitter is supposed to be designed for. Who knows, if this works out my Facebook might fall to the wayside. I was never a big fan anyways. I tried to delete it twice, but others insisted I keep it. Omega whined about how difficult it would be to keep track of me. Though I'm flattered, for the record. I feel so loved!

The plan for right now is to try it out for a month or something and then write a bit about the experience. Maybe this time I'll figure out how Twitter works better. Maybe I'll release it was as unpleasant, confusing, and unnecessary as I first thought. But hey, exploration is always a good thing. You'll never know until you try.

So anywho, if you have a Twitter, feel free to "follow" me or whatever. I'll do the same.

(I have way too many aliases)

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