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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Obama Seeking $50 Billion More?!!??!?!?

He wants MORE money?! MORE FUCKING MONEY?!?!


The last round of stimulus money was proven completely ineffective and only created temporary jobs! YOU FUCKING SAID SO YOURSELF!!!

2:20 to 3:30.

I'm sorry, what measurable growth have we made? YOU'VE SPENT BILLIONS! FUCKING BILLIONS! AND ALL YOU HAVE TO SHOW FOR IT IS 431,000 JOBS WHICH ARE MOSTLY TEMPORARY?? And you want $50 billion MORE to do it all AGAIN?!


That sound you hear emanating from your speakers is the sound of my head smashing against a wall!!! Are you aware that as the President your job involves doing more than ASKING FOR MONEY?! Congratu-fucking-lations President Obama, you are now officially on par with the homeless people who assail me for money on the way to work. Except that you are open about how little you accomplish and how dismal the future is, even though you sugar coat it, so I guess that makes you the crazy homeless guy who's warning us about the Second Coming.

This is NOT fine! This is NOT ok!! We aren't even half way through 2010!!!!!!!

And then there's the government summary, though everything past 2k10 I guarantee is bullshit.

I WANT BILL CLINTON BACK!!! YOU HEAR ME?! BRING BACK BILL! I will make it my job to kidnap and drag interns to the White House myself if it will bring him back to office!

1 comment:

  1. Hm. That two term limit should be got rid of. Oh, right. And Obama should be forced out of office and stricken from all historical records. And then shot. No.

    Beat to death. No.

    Starved. And then fed. Pampered, even, for a few days. Bring him back to health. And then tortured a bit. Nursed back to health. Tortured a bit more. And keep repeating this process until he is psychologically and spiritually broken. Then, raise his spirits back up. Bring him back up from his own ashes!

    Then set him free in the middle of the deserts of Nevada, with enough food and water for a few days if rationed right. Tell him he has a 24 hour head start, starting now. And that after that, the hunters are sent out. Scouts will use helicopters to find him and nudge the hunters in the right direction. The hunters are armed with nothing but their bare hands. If Obama can survive both the desert and the hunters, then he deserves to live. But he'll be picked up and slowly sliced to pieces anyways.

