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Friday, August 6, 2010

And A Quickie On Prop 8 Being Overturned

A quick link that collects various views on Prop 8 being overturned by various religious groups.

In particular, I liked the Baptist guy's post.

"Rev. Welton Gaddy, Baptist minister and President of Interfaith Alliance:
"We are pleased to see that Judge Vaughn Walker was sensitive to the concerns of people of faith who oppose same-gender marriage on religious grounds but that he recognized, as do we, that their religious freedom will not be impacted by the legalization of same-gender marriage. America's diverse religious landscape leaves room for a variety of theological perspectives on same-gender marriage; indeed, some faiths enthusiastically support it and others vehemently oppose it. Under this ruling, as with any constitutionally based marriage equality law, no religion would ever be required to condone same-gender marriage, and no member of the clergy would ever be required to perform a wedding ceremony not in accordance with his or her religious beliefs."

Yay! Give this man a cookie! He actually *reads!*

Also, apparently Prop 8 was overturned by a Conservative/Democrat lawyer duo. The Conservative in question? Drum roll please...

Ted Olson! Or, as one gay blogger wrote, "Ted FREAKIN' Olson!" The man who single-handedly made George Bush Jr. President. He was the lawyer for Bush's side during the whole Florida recount debacle. And his Democrat partner against Prop 8? David Boies. The guy who fought against him in Bush v. Gore. I'm pretty sure that makes this ordeal the legal equivalent of this. For Justice!

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