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Friday, August 6, 2010


Hard to believe, isn't it?

Last two months had no posts because I've been kinda busy and bummed out/depressed with work and life, resulting in me mostly sitting around on my lazy ass watching TV or playing video games. I feel fatter just writing that down, for the record. Needless to say, even with all the lazing about my summer break has not been restful. So I've decided to turn things around and get busy again. This weekend I've got some stuff planned that hopefully I can get turned into posts. Course, thanks to the aforementioned laziness I don't have too much to write about, but I know I do want to write about some great gaming experiences. This will be focusing mostly in "inFamous,""Persona 3," and "Saint's Row 2." Also, maybe some reviews and thoughts on TV shows. Namely Sengoku Basara and possibly even "VICToriOUS," with that last one being for my own personal amusement ;)

But that's for the future. Right now, I'm at work, and probably shouldn't be posting as I have a large stack of letters that need folding. So we'll have to settle for some quick pick-me-ups.

Because life isn't depressing enough, we've got this! Unemployment still not getting any better, and the government census jobs are rapidly disappearing. Economists fear that once the stimulus money is gone, we'll actually start to see even MORE job loss. Exciting!

And then there's...this! Which totally crosses a line. I'm all for firing people like this tosser, though that might just be because he strikes me as a shade or two above retarded. Also might have something to do with the second case being a legitimate reason to fire someone, while the first was a bit more on the tyrannical side. I mean...really, you can fire someone for comments they make outside the work place? I didn't realize people thought it was a good idea to try and work into contracts the fact that you own them outside work hours as well.

Also, Japan is starting to feel the effects of the war on terror! I wouldn't fuck with Japan though, Abdullah Azzam Brigades. You may think you're hot shit, but has a life of piety and devotion to Allah truly prepared you for TENTACLE RAPE? Not to be confused with Tentacle Grape, the delicious soda! Comes with a free novelty (possibly grape flavored) condom. I really, really wanna buy a case of that just to say that I did. I really do.

And that's about it for now. Til the next time!

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