Some Pages

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Real...Life...Superheroes...Sort of...

Oh wow. I don't even have words for this.

Alright, in all fairness I can appreciate the desire to become a vigilante and strike out against crime and all, but those videos. Watch the Dark Guardian (ohhhhh boy...yes, that is his super hero name) get towered over by a drug dealer. Watch his reaction when he realizes that drug dealer could crush his windpipe with one hand. And notice how his response is to call the cops? Do you really need a fancy costume and ridiculous name just to phone in the police?

And then notice Shadow Hare and his team. I really want to know exactly what a bunch of teenagers who range from pudgy to skinny, who have absolutely no muscle between them to speak of, and who seem to not even have any protection besides their hand-sown costumes, can do to a coked out drug dealer.

Oh, and they totally have a website where you register and form a team. I'm not even kidding. Please, have a look see at these profiles. I like how they actually have an "Arch-Enemy" section. So far only one person has filled that section with anything other than "None." That guy is the Tothian, whose "Arch-Enemy" is Osama Bin Laden. I shit you not.

Ugh...Like I said, I really really wish I could say that I support this, but please...have a look. I can't believe I'm saying this, but you're gonna do something like becoming a costumed vigilante, please actually do all the necessary work and take the correct precautions. Don't put on a costume and cape and assume you can take on the world with your well meaning demeanor. The world has guns. You will lose. If you have to, please exercise, learn free running, learn a martial arts, carry real weapons, and don't announce your presence to the world. Otherwise...ugh.


  1. It's like Watchmen.... But the heroes never actually bothered with becoming heroes....

  2. And according to McAfee, the superhero registry site is filled with viruses. Fun stuff.

  3. I went on it and faced no difficulty, but I'm also using AVG.
