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Saturday, April 24, 2010

The First Ever Well Intentioned Blogcast

This is sort of an experiment just to see what it's like. Please please please give me feedback! It is fairly lengthy, so by all means don't listen to it all if you don't want to, and criticize anything (including length!). It's a standard .wmv file so it should work on just about any media player.

Thanks guys!

Edit: Click on "Free User" to get it. You just have to wait a few seconds to download longer.


  1. About the housing, there's some disagreement, but that's mostly just in extremity. While I know there are people who got scammed out of their money, the way scams work is taking advantage of other peoples' greed. Had they actually looked into their agreement, and read the fine print, they wouldn't be so easily scammable.

    As for the blogcast: It was interesting, although lengthy. Over 40 minutes of just voice can get a bit hard to listen to. While I know that video editing is bloody hard, and would take up just more time, it might have helped to have some images to go along with the narrative.

  2. I really liked the ideas put forth, especially about your social capitalism. Getting older and looking around more, I've realized that there is just so much - too much - wrong with ascribing to any one particular economic theory and that the best method is incorporating the best practices from multiple theories that also work well together. I think your social capitalism, while I didn't hear that explicitly, is a fairly good representation of that.

    I also think similar methods of thought should be applied to government in which people don't act along party lines or act to keep favor with the people who gave them power, but instead act in the best interest of the state and its people. In other words, do what works instead of what looks good. But that's a discussion for another time, I think, this is, afterall, only a comment.

    As for the blogcast itself, I enjoyed it, despite the length. And I have to agree with Omega here that, while I enjoyed watching the swirling colors of my media player dance along to your voice, some other kind of graphic or video would have been nice. However, only if you could have thematically linked it. My main suggestion would be to attempt to break big casts like this one into a series of smaller segments which, while I realize could potentially damage the impact of the message, I think would help keep some more time-strapped followers listening.
