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Saturday, April 10, 2010

I, For One, Will Welcome Our New Russian Overlord

Dear Vladimir Putin,

I hope this blog reaches you. I know you're busy plotting the demise of every enemy who dares oppose you, hiring squads of agents to set up bombs in hidden locations and plotting the assassination of key world leaders. Stuff like the Black Widow bombings are still being investigated and I am sure are taking up lots of your time. But I just wanted to write this letter to let you know that I am your biggest fan. I never really get to say this often enough. Your work is fantastic. Everything, from the time you threatened to castrate fundamental Islamic terrorists on national TV to blitzing Georgia so hard they didn't even know what was coming, makes me realize that you are a rare gift to the world. Mr. Putin, we need more people like you in charge.

I say this because recent events have once again got me thinking about you. Namely...

Let me just say this. There are, in my mind, two distinct and clear possibilities for this. One, that it was no accident. In which case, my hats off to you Mr. Putin. It's been a long time since anything of this caliber has been attempted, and you pulled it off magnificently. It looks and plays out exactly like a real accident, mist and all. The other possibility is that it was a truly legitimate accident. In which case, the world seems to have a fondness for you that almost matches my own.

I look forward to the day you end up ruling the world. Your ambition, your amoral cunning, your intolerance of human stupidity and the weak who defy and stand before you all build my admiration of your skill, technique, and poise. You are everything any decent, strong human being could ever want in a leader. So thank you, for standing out and shining in a world filled with mediocrity, weakness, and dull-witted unintelligent monkeys who are too scared to really make a difference in the world. Thank you for showing the rest of us who live out here, who are aspiring to make meaningful change in the world, that with enough ambition, strength, and courage, even we can rise through the ranks and do what the rest of the world is afraid to do.

In short, thank you for reminding us that we don't have to be mediocre just because the rest of the world is bland and stupid. It gives us hope that somehow our one strong action is measurable and can amount to something against the thousands of flailing ineptitudes we may face in our struggle to live as real people.

Thank you, Mr. Putin, for showing me that not all is lost.


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