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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dutch Cartoonist Physically Assaulted by Muslim Over Cartoon

Yep. Unbelievable. So your response against the man who created a cartoon which accused Islam of being absurdly violent and intolerant is to...assault him physically.

You are all a bunch of fucking morons.

So, in celebration of this event, I'm going to go buy a copy of the Koran and burn it. I intend to video-tape and youtube this demonstration against radical Islam. Omega is in town, and I'd love to invite him in this burning as well. Those in our hometown who might be interested are more than welcome to join me. I'll be buying the Koran once I get off of work.

What say you, Omega?


  1. Do you need lighter fluid? thermite? explosives? or a chainsaw? sledge hammer? or are you just going to burn it with a lighter and throw it in a metal trash bin?

  2. I fucking want in!
