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Sunday, May 16, 2010

School Rehires All Fired Teachers

Oh come on. This is unforgivable.

First of all, I'm all for the idea of introducing longer school days and such at this school to make up for lost time and whatnot. Great idea. But don't use that as a SUBSTITUTE for firing off the staff! The entire problem with teaching, for union members anyways, is that it takes an act of Congress to get a teacher fired. You guys fought the good fight and WON! You did what most people find it incredibly difficult to do! WHY DID YOU UNDO ALL OF THAT?! You clearly need new teachers.

I'm not saying those teachers are bad for the record. As a very impoverished area, I'm sure that the kids are themselves fairly difficult to deal with, especially as its a public school, which means the parents of many of these students likely don't give a damn. But you need more help and a new approach because clearly, the old approach wasn't working. New teachers with new skills to change your strategy are very important. But above all else, and I'm standing by Obama 200% on this one, you NEED to set the example of accountability. Rehiring those teachers, whether or not they deserved the firing they got, shows the rest of the teachers out there that they have perfect job security. This is not an attitude we should be reinforcing in public schooling. That's what's responsible for our failing schools now. This could have been a real turning point for the education system, and signaled a serious overturn of Union monopoly.

Which leads me to an interesting thought about economics. You know what I just now realized the economic ramifications of Unions? Unions are basically monopolies of labor. That's right, a MONOPOLY. Think about it. They effectively own all the labor in states where membership is required. They are therefore the not only a monopoly on a major source of an input in a business (be it factory workers for a factory, teachers in schools, etc), but a monopoly on the SINGLE most costly factor of production! I won't go through all the economics of why monopolies suck(believe me there are graphical representations that spill out exactly how and why monopolies are wasteful), but suffice to say that those big corporate monopolies operate every bit as much as Unions.

Now that's funny. I'm going to write a book on the Tao of economic insanity.

Though, I will admit I really like this finding for my own personal, greedy reasons. It justifies my gradient market theory. It means that the clear opposite of a pro-business government's most monopolistic inefficiency, a corporate monopoly, is directly matched on the pro-labor government in terms of monopolistic inefficiency by the Unions. It's the same structure. Maybe I should start writing my book on economics now...


  1. At first I thought, "Damios agree with Obama? Fuck! Where are the nukes going to come from?!" But then I realized that, yeah, this made sense and I crawled out of my bomb shelter.

    Also, Unions are a disease +1. We should attempt, as a body, to document why Unions are disease in a perfectly convincing and mostly objective way, and then draft a piece of legistlation forcing change and see if anyone will accept it/spearhead it.

  2. I may attempt to write a piece on Unions. Maybe you two will let me guest write it here. I've been thinking about it for a while, I'm just too damned lazy.

    My father works in the hotel business, so I've grown up with him dealing and using and being used by unions. I've heard fantastic stories.

    I'm thoroughly convinced that Unions were 100% necessary in the Gilded Age, and are 100% terrible now.

  3. If you wrote a guest piece we'd be thrilled to post it!
