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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Gulf Oil Spill Biggest in American History

Seriously, can we PLEASE move on to a new fuel source? Twice in 20 years. Our technology is theoretically improving and we managed to fuck this one up worse than the last one. Weren't we at some point in time promised oil eating bacteria?

Oh yeah.

How's that workin' out?





  1. Here are some good pictures of the damage. Its sad.

    What boggles my mind is that there was really no plan. With the Valdez, there was not much we could do besides clean up after the fact. The ship ripped open, oil leaked, we did our best to clean up.

    And it was a disaster.

    So, what really makes me incredulous isn't so much the response... its the fact that once the "blowout preventer" failed... that was it. They have NO method of stopping this oil spill that has been tested whatsoever (at this depth). And its not like they've had a good hunch... the first methods they have tried have been colossal failures. What makes me so upset is that these drilling platforms were allowed to be built with essentially NO contingency plan. They were made to try to minimize the chance of explosion/sinking... but if they did... the scientists and engineers had NO plan.

    Thats fucked up.

  2. Because contingency planning costs money. And spending money is for saps. It's really getting to the point where I'm done caring about the world. Then some day half the globe will be on fire, nuclear missiles will be descending from orbit, and everyone will be looking up and shouting at the sky "WHY! WHY! Where did we go wrong!" As for me?

  3. Estimates now put it at 1 Exxon Valdez every 10 days. Its been leaking for 6 weeks. 6 * 7 = 42. It is expected to leak until August. 42 + 31 + 31 = 104.

    That sounds like just over 10 times Exxon Valdez. IF they stop it in August. Thats an entire order of magnitude higher.

  4. And you KNOW we can trust our Government and BP to fix this mess on their own. After all, we have a great history of setting timetables and getting things done...
