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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Texas Board of Education Changes

Wow. Alright.

See, this is why people consider Christianity to be thought-disease. Re-writing history to emphasize the "Christian foundations" of the ideals of the Founding Fathers? You do realize that there are entire books written on how the Founding Fathers weren't anywhere near as Christian as people would like to believe. This isn't as simple as a simply changing a check box from "Deist" to "Christian." It represents more than that. It's sliding back into old habits we're better off not getting into, namely that we've started to slide back into Christian thought-primacy. The Judeo-Christian interpretation of history is not one we should be emphasizing or considering, because it has a tendency to distort our perceptions of reality.

Consider the Evolution vs. Creationism argument. Ignoring for a moment which I feel is right, the simple fact of the matter is that this argument is attempting to teach religion IN a science classroom. Please, consider for a moment the implications of this. Something from the Bible is replacing a scientific theory in a science classroom. Even IF evolution wasn't real, regardless Creationism is in no way, shape, or form a testable hypothesis that can be subjected to rigorous testing. So why would we teach it in a class with theories entirely based on testable hypothesis?

An equally problematic issue for me is that this is making public education more and more involved in the moral development of citizens. The last thing I ever want, as someone who shares a very non-standard view of morality, is for my government to enforce and support a particular moral standpoint in its effort to educate its citizenry. I am of the very strong opinion that government needs to stay free of moral leanings, because quite frankly morality is a decision that should be up to individuals. When we lose the ability to determine our own morality then the Democratic process becomes a sham anyways. How are we to choose between a wide range of ideas when we are subjected to moral persecution at the hands of government thought police? Government should be nothing more than a media for informed discussion and openness to new ideas. If we cease to do so, than we are little better than any other totalitarian regime. In this case, no better than any other religious theocracy.

I'm gonna try and post the first ever Well-Intentioned Extremists Youtube video about this subject later today and see how this goes.

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