Some Pages

Monday, March 15, 2010

I Think We Need to Start Having Literacy Tests Before Allowing People Online

Just skim over the article; it's not that important. The comments section is what you need to read. If you thought your faith in humanity couldn't get any worse..... It's about to.


  1. I'm confused...what are they saying?

  2. The website is a blog that talks about Facebook and other such things; in the article, they were saying that Facebook and AOL were combining logins, or something (I only briefly skimmed over it)

    However, in the comments section: It would seem that there are hundreds of Facebook users completely incapable of doing something such as bookmarking Facebook or typing the URL into their address bar, and just type "Facebook Login" into Google, and go from their. But when they did that, this site came up instead. So now we have all these people who think this site is Facebook, angrily complaining about how they cannot access their account, and that they missed the old Facebook, and that they are going to go back to MySpace if Facebook doesn't let them log in....

    Quite the fun times.

  3. Wait.





    So these people think its Facebook? I...

    Ok, at least I feel less bad for not understanding what's going on. Because the stupidity of all of this is so incredible, so amazing, my brain literally couldn't compute it.

    Crap, I smell ice cream. I think I'm having an aneurysm.

  4. Wait.... No! I used "their" when I should have used "there" in my last comment! My English Major Senses are going crazy! WHY IS THERE NO EDIT FEATURE FOR COMMENTS?!?!?!?!?!!? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!

    .... Seriously, that's going to be bugging me all day. Which probably means I need help. Or should become a teacher.

  5. You could delete it and type it again.

  6. You got to be messing with me, it is quite incomprehensible as to the reason why they are having trouble. If it is as you say, that they think this is the new facebook /AOL home page, well then, i'm at a loss for word.

    And the dawn of Idiocy draws ever closer

  7. All I can say right now is "Sadface." How did we sink this low?

  8. Oh, we've always been this low. It just wasn't until the advent of the Internet that we had a public forum for everyone to publicly reveal their stupidity to the entire world.

