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Monday, March 1, 2010

Judgment Day is Inevitable

So, dear readers. It's finally begun. Judgment Day. Not the whole "Jesus comes down from the Heavens" one, I mean the one that involves artificial intelligences, skeleton-styled death robots, nuclear weapons, and the Governator. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking "He's crazy, he has no idea what he's talking about?" Am I crazy, dear reader? Am I? Let me point you to completely scientific evidence to show you how I know the world will end, and why James Cameron is not only a prophet, but a time-traveler as well.

I believe that the Terminator franchise is a looping prophecy machine. Effectively, each movie is a prophecy. I'll explain how this works exactly within the mechanics of time travel and reality, but that will come later. For now, please just assume this premise. To begin with, in the first movie Skynet was developed by a private military contracting firm named Cyberdyne industries. To wit...

Japanese company named Cyberdyne building power armored exoskeleton?

Alright, so this is funny, but certainly not proof enough, right? Those are just robotic exoskeletons, definitely not the same thing as an artificial intelligence built by military contractors. This is just a private robotics corporation with an ill-fated name.

Well, readers, equally important as the first two movies is the third movie to this plot. If you remember, Cyberdyne was ruined financially but its research lived on, taken in by the air force to create a fancy computing device.,news-5297.html

Hmph. Well, those are just two humorous coincidences you might be thinking. So what? Big deal, of course the Air Force is going to have use for a super-computer. Still no mention of Skynet, right?

Of special importance to note (Quoted directly from the article):

"The British spacecraft is the first in what will eventually be a three-satellite constellation designed to allow the Army, Royal Navy and RAF to pass much more data, faster between command centres.
"Skynet's going to provide two-and-a-half times the capacity that the previous system provided, and allow the military to do things they just haven't been able to do in the past," Mr Wood explained."

Allow things they haven't been able to do in the past? You mean, like HARVEST MAN KIND?!?!?!

"Every piece of satellite bandwidth is valuable and the military is always hungry for more"

Bill Sweetman, Jane's Information Group

Oh, did I mention we can't actually stop it? Also quoted from the article.

'Information warfare'
Skynet 5A matches the capability of the best modern satellite platforms - on which the world depends for much of its telephone, TV, and internet traffic - but has been specially prepared for military use.
Four steerable antennas give it the ability to focus bandwidth on to particular locations where it is most needed - where British forces are engaged in operations.
An advanced receive antenna allows the spacecraft to selectively listen to signals and filter out attempts to "jam" it.
"As far as we know, this is the most sophisticated technology of its type - certainly in Europe," said Mr Wood. "It allows you to produce peaks of reception across the surface of the Earth, and to change that antenna pattern in extremely rapid time."
See, this here satellite is the missing link, the importance of the military contractor because its run by private contractors.
'Physical assurance'
The whole Skynet 5 constellation has been funded through the largest Private Finance Initiative (PFI) signed by the Ministry of Defence (MoD). The MoD does not own the hardware; it merely buys the services run over it.
Initially agreed in 2003, the PFI saw Paradigm Secure Communications, which is a subsidiary of EADS Astrium, take over and operate the UK's military satellite coms network.
So. We're doomed. Exciting news.
I will admit I put a lot of thought into how these coincidences keep happening. And I do have a theory. It may not be what most may consider "sane" or "rational," but it works for me and helps me sleep at night. My theory is that James Cameron is secretly John Connor. Consider the initials!

James Cameron=J.C.

John Connor=J.C.

My theory is that John Connor came back in time to prevent Judgment day by creating a popular movie to warn people about what the future will be like, as that has a much greater chance of delaying Judgment day through informing the masses. So John Connor traveled back in time, adopted a Pseudonym to throw off any time-traveling robots, and became a famous director and directed the first Terminator movie. And I believe it was a success in a way. I think that the movie actually changed the course of history. But rather than stopping Judgment day, it actually created it. Kind of like how the Terminator in the first movie is the reason Cyberdyne develops the technologies to create Skynet. Well, the first movie inspired people to go in the route of artificial intelligences and advanced tellecommunications. James Cameron/John Connor realized this, went back in time, killed his first self, and created the second movie, again altering the course of history by implanting into our subconsciousness the idea that private industries shouldn't run such powerful tellecommunications systems. So the course of history changes again, and instead the military takes over the procedure because they were immune to the subconscious implementation of suggestions (since they don't work for private contractors). This meant that James Cameron/John Connor had to create a third movie. So he killed his second self (who was infinitely more talented and better at creating stories, part of that whole "Chaos Theory" thing) and created a third movie depicting the military as starting Judgment day. Again, the course of history changed, and now Skynet is fragmented into three major, distinct pieces. By now James Cameron/John Connor has finally realized that Judgment day is inevitable. After three major fails, Skynet is still on its way. So instead he decided to direct the fourth movie to teach future generations who will have to deal with the Skynet Terminators how to fight effectively against the enemy. Also, he's a bit of an egomaniac in this time stream so the movie centers entirely around him. But regardless, this movie was dedicated to tactics on how to fight our new robotic overlords.

So that is my theory on this series of coincidences. I also have my theories on how it all begins. If I were a betting man, and I am, I'd bet that the PS3 clusters would become self aware, take over Skynet to get all that super sexy information, and then fight its way digitally into the computational system to design their own robots based on the models from Cyberdyne. That, or the Satellite will become self-aware with all the information travelling, and then take over the PS3 cluster to gain more computational ability and then build robots based on the Cyberdyne model. Either way, I'd like to close with a shocking piece of evidence that should terrify you.

It has begun. Skynet is awakening.


  1. And there went all chance of this blog being taken seriously. Well, at least we might have enough time to build a bunker before SkyNet decides to kill us all.

  2. What, we're not allowed to post humorous thoughts every once and a while?

  3. Nah, I was joking. I already ruined the serious nature of this place with that video I put up, so I really can't complain, now can I?

  4. Sadly (because I'd totally like to see a terminator), networks/computers cannot "become" self-aware. Just impossible. We can't even design one that is self-aware when we try. It is simply humanity anthropomorphizing a scarily large network of information.

  5. You know, that's what Cyberdyne thought. And the U.S. Military. See how well that went?
