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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sex on my mind

Mostly bondage.

No, I'm not actually into it. Personally, its not my thing. I tend to separate my sex interests from every other aspect of my life, actually. So generally speaking if I like a particular something (a movie, a book series, video games, particular objects or works of art, anything at all honestly) I tend to keep it very, very isolated from sex. I don't know why, I guess its because I feel if you eroticize something, you're cheapening it. Like when people write erotic fanfictions of characters from books or movies or what-have-you. See, when they do that they focus on an element of a character that I feel isn't important. Characters, in novels and stories and the likes, deliver messages and act as important symbols. Sex just makes them plain and human. I mean, when authors do it they do it because they want to humanize them, yes. Otherwise they'd be unconvincing characters. But when fanfic erotica authors do it, they disregard the symbolism completely and just make them glorified porn actors. I'm sure somewhere out there someone thinks this is an unhealthy thing for me to be doing, separating/isolating everything I like from sex. It's probably true. Gods only know what this will mean when I'm actually with someone I care about. I don't particularly care though, because it least it means the purity of my real, intellectual interests remains intellectual and isn't stained (no pun intended) by simple animalistic desire.

And please don't think I hate sex. I don't. And I'd like to think I'm pretty open-minded about the whole thing. For example, I'm a firm believer in the Kinsey Scale. Dunno 'bout the Klein scale though. I also enjoy pain. It means I'm pushing my own boundaries. I like how my muscles ache after a good work out. I've also got a thing for violence, I'll admit. If you've read my blog response to a comment Ron Jeremy made a long time ago, you know that I support violence and conflict (physical, dangerous conflict) as a good thing. To an extent, of course.

The reason I'm writing all of this is because if you follow the logic presented earlier, you can probably tell I don't like mixing sex and violence in general. BDSM, Bondage, S&M, etc aren't really things that particularly strike my fancy. Which is why I find it so intriguing that I've read so many articles over the week about bondage. Now, to be fair I don't usually see it that often. Almost all the stories I've found have been links provided from other news sources. One such article I read, for example, was linked from an article about a particular breed of Jellyfish that may actually be immortal. And up at the top, an article about how more and more women in this economy are becoming Dominatrixes to supplement their income. Maybe there's just been an upswing in the amount of articles written about BDSM. Or, to take a Freudian perspective on this, maybe I just wasn't paying that much attention until now. Either way, I've read about 5 articles on the subject. Figured I'd share, as they are interesting regardless of your position on sex.

Can't find the fifth one. It was an interview of two dominatrixes. If I find it I'll post it later.


  1. Can I get the article on Immortal Jellyfish??? I must learn their ways.

  2. Tadaa!

  3. Nature is fucking awesome. That article reminds me of my favorite critter,

  4. Though it probably doesn't matter (being several months later and all), I'm pretty sure I've read the missing article you're talking about. Is this it?
