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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Scathing Criticism of Japanese Culture

Taken from Kotaku. One of the writers, Tim Rogers, has been living in Japan for a while and apparently has a lot of negative things to say about living in Japan.

Pretty strong opinion, though I will admit that while I can't necessarily account for what he says, if those things are true I know I wouldn't be able to live in Japan. The drinking in particular. I don't drink. I never have, I hope I never will. A corporation that tries to control me by holding my job hostage if I don't drink? Eff that noise.

Good article, definitely give it a read, but be aware its pretty long.


  1. Yeah, Japan is a really messed up place culture. Conformity, knowing and staying in your place, accepting your lot in life, etc., are all very common values there. The link kinda reminds me of a blog called "Gaijin Smash", which I've read a few posts from, which is a similar case of a foreigner living in Japan. Although in his case, he more uses the fact that he is a big scary black man to blatantly ignore cultural norms like that out of sheer force of will.

  2. Hats off to him then. I don't think I'd ever want to live in Japan if such practices are the case.

  3. Hey, realizing what modern Japan was actually like was what cured me of my Japan obsession in Middle School. It was all cool flashy anime, samurai, ninjas, bushido, video games..... And then I actually took a good look at the place. It took me years before I would even touch anime again....
